All user data stored on Ziba Property is encrypted. Whether you are using a computer or a smartphone, nothing goes over our network without encryption. We work promptly to respond to new vulnerabilities as they are discovered on Ziba Property.
Ziba Property is perfectly compatible with the following browsers:

- Google Chrome – 84+
- Mozilla Firefox – 78+
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 10+
- Safari 13+

- iOS – version 10+
- Android – version 6+

Ziba Property is designed to be responsive and mobile compatible, so you could conveniently use any device. For a better mobile experience, we recommend the following mobile browsers:

iOS: Safari
Android: Chrome
You can use Ziba Property as a tenant, owner, manager, business & service, or real estate agent. The app allows you to switch between multiple Ziba Property account roles without logging out.

Account roles have different permissions, resources, and capabilities. On Ziba Property, you can register for multiple roles depending on how you want to use the platform. You can sign up as a tenant, owner, manager, real estate agent, or business/service.

Property owners can list their properties and property units on the app.

Tenants can use the app to make online requests for any property unit, service, and facility booking. They can also report incidents and view their guest/parcel details.

Managers can manage multiple activities on the app, such as tenant approvals, owner requests, service requests, facility bookings, visitor management, and incident reports from tenants and owners. Managers can also post announcements on the app and create events that can be viewed by all their registered tenants and owners.

Businesses and Services can view all online service requests from customers and update the status of each request.

Property agents can view all available units for rent or sale and submit proposals to the owners. They can also list any properties they may have for rent or sale, as well as other real estate services.

The general public and all registered users can easily browse all the property listings, buy-sell-wanted requests, businesses, and services available in their desired location.
Click Login on the Ziba Property website. If you don’t have an account yet click Create an Account.

You can also download the app on the Play Store or App Store to create an account.
The ‘Sign Up’ page will ask you to enter your personal information, such as the type of account role (i.e., tenant, owner, manager, business & service, agent), full name, email address, mobile number, and password.

Upon reviewing and agreeing with the Terms and Conditions, submit the form and complete the next steps.

Once you’ve completed the sign-up process, an account activation link will be sent to your email address.

If you register as a tenant or owner of a condo unit with a registered management, you may have to wait for the manager/moderator to approve your account request.
Yes, you can use the same email address to register for multiple roles (i.e., tenant, owner, manager, business & service, agent) under the same account.
Upon signing up, an email will be sent to your email address. Click the Verify Now! button to verify your account.
Ziba Property is a web and mobile-based application, so it won't work without an internet connection.
Expand the menu on the bottom left side, and click on My Profile. You will be redirected to a new page.
Under the Profile Info tab, you will see all your profile information, such as name, email, and phone no. Click the ‘Edit’ link and enter the information you want to update.
Expand the menu on the bottom left side, and click on ‘My Profile’. You will see a Profile icon with the option to upload the image.
Click the icon to see a pop-up menu where you can select an image for your profile.
Expand the menu on the bottom left side, and click on My Profile.
On the ‘Profile’ page under the ‘Settings’ tab, you can enable or disable notification settings for email and push notifications.
After you have added a photo, you can only change it.
Expand the menu on the bottom left side, click on My Profile.
Click the "Change Password" tab to update your password.
You cannot change the email address that is linked to your account.
You can add multiple roles to your account. Expand the menu on the bottom left side, and click on My Profile.

You will see an option to Add new role.

After providing the required information for the selected role, it will be automatically added to your account. Some roles may require a manager’s or moderator’s approval.
Each role has pre-defined administration rights.
When you log in, click the ‘Home’ icon. You will be redirected to the dashboard page.

On the dashboard, users can see multiple widgets related to their role, i.e., tenant, owner, manager, agents, and businesses & services.
When you log in, you can see the Add Widgets button on the top right side of the dashboard.

Click the button to choose all the widgets you want to display on the dashboard.

You can also drag and drop the widgets in any arrangement you like.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoImportant Contacts to view the list of all important contacts.
These contacts will only be shown if the management has added them to the system.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoDocument Directory to view the list of all documents shared by your property management.
Any document that the property management holds and distributes can be published on {{ env('APP_NAME') }}. These may include facility operating hours, committee meeting hours, audited annual financial reports, and any other important documents related to the property.
Any social, religious, personal, and community-related events can be added to the Events section by the property manager only.
To add additional managers to your property, each of them must sign up for a Manager role on the app for this property.

Once they’ve signed up, a request will be sent to the first manager for approval. Once the first manager has approved the request, a confirmation email will be sent to the requester. They can then have access to the account as a manager.
On the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodProperty Listings. All available properties in the specified location will be displayed.
On the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodProperty Listings. Click on the property listing you want to delete.

On the right side, you will see the Delete link if the listing belongs to you. Click Delete to remove the property listing.
On the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodProperty Listings.

Click on the property listing you want to edit.

On the right side, you will see the Edit link if the listing belongs to you. Click ‘Edit’ to update any information about the property listing.
From the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodBuy-Sell-Wanted. All available Buy-Sell-Wanted items in the specified location will be displayed.
From the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodBuy-Sell-Wanted.

Click Add a New Buy-Sell-Wanted. You will be redirected to a new page.

Fill out the required information about the item you want to list, and it will be added in the Buy-Sell-Wanted category.
On the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodBuy-Sell-Wanted.

Click on the item you want to delete.

On the right side, you will see the ‘Delete’ link if the item belongs to you. Click Delete to remove the item.
From the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodBuy-Sell-Wanted.

Click on the item you want to edit.

On the right side, you will see the Edit link if the item belongs to you. Click Edit to update any information about the item.
After listing your Buy-Sell-Wanted item, you will see a pop-up message asking you to feature your item. Follow the on-screen steps to feature your item at the top of the search results.
On the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodBusiness & Service. All available businesses and services listed in your specified location will be displayed.
On the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodBusiness & Services.
Click Add a New Business & Service. Fill out the required information about your business and/or service to be listed in the system.
On the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodBusiness & Services.

Click on the business you want to edit.

On the right side, you will see the Edit link if the business or service belongs to you. Click Edit to update any information about your business or service.
Any of the following user roles can list Buy-Sell-Wanted items, property listings, and business and services on Ziba Property : tenant, owner, manager, and agent.
From the left menu, navigate to Property InfoAnnouncements to view all the latest announcements posted by the property management.
Only property managers can post announcements.
All the roles associated with the residential property (i.e., tenant, owner, manager) can view the announcements made by the property management.
Yes, Ziba Property users will be notified via the ‘Notifications’ icon on the top right side of the app and via email when their property manager posts announcements.
From the left menu, navigate to Property InfoEvents to view the list of all events.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoCalendar to view all facility bookings, events, and service requests on the calendar in order of date.
From the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodChatNet to view the list of all messages on ChatNet.
ChatNet is an in-app messaging feature. Tenants, owners, and property managers can use ChatNet to communicate with each other. They can send a message in both public and private modes.
On the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodChatNet to view the list of all messages on ChatNet.

On the top side, click the Send button.

The ChatNet is set to Public by default. Toggle between Public/Private to choose your preferred option.

Enter the name of your recipient in the text box next to the Public/Private option.

Type your message and click the Send button.
Yes, the user will get notified via the Notifications icon on the top right side of the app when they receive private or public messages from other users.
From the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodChatNet to view the list of all ChatNet messages.

You will see the following options: Messages, Announcements, Events, Facility Bookings, Service Requests, and Incident Reports.

By selecting or changing the filter options, ChatNet messages will be filtered accordingly.
If you are on the dashboard page, click the expand icon on ChatNet to view the page in full-screen mode and see all the filter options.
The following account roles can view Announcements, Calendar, Events, and ChatNet: tenant, owner, manager.
If the property already has a management, they have most likely registered your data already.

All you have to do is to sign up and enter your unit number. You will then be able to see all the properties where your name is registered.

Once you’ve signed in, you can fill out other missing information in your profile.
Yes, you can add your property for rent/sale on Ziba Property. Registered real estate agents in your locality can view your property and may send a property proposal.
You can qualify and choose the agents you’d like to work with.
Ziba Property offers many benefits for property owners.

Whether you want to rent or sell, your property will be seen by specialist agents in your locality and receive proposals from them directly through the app. You can then view their profile and track their records so you could decide who you like to work with.

If you are renting your property, you only need to enter the details and images of your property once. Whenever your property is up for rental, you do not need to keep sending information to potential agents. All you have to do is publish the property again on the app using the saved data and images. Interested agents will automatically be notified and can view the property listing.
Once you list the property for rent/sale on Ziba Property, all the registered agents in your local area will be notified that your property is available for rent/sale.

If the agent is interested in promoting your property, he/she will send you a property proposal or contract.
On the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodProperty Proposals to view all property proposals sent to you.
On the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodProperty Proposals.

On the Proposal Detail screen, you will see the Proceed button. If you want to approve the proposal, click Proceed. Provide further information or upload a listing agreement or contract between you and the agent.

Note: Before you sign an agreement contract with an agent, you have the option to ask questions and negotiate the terms with the agent.
If the property has a registered management, the tenant can view all the announcements, ChatNet messages, service requests, incident reports, facility bookings, important contacts, important documents, visitors, parcels, and details of upcoming events.

If the property doesn’t have a registered management, only limited features will be available, such as Chatnet, Buy-Sell-Wanted, Property Listings, and Business & Services.

All the other features will be enabled when a manager is assigned to the property the tenant has registered for.
The tenant and owner cannot change their unit number unless they have sold the property, moved out, or moved into a new unit.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsService Requests. You will be redirected to a new page.

Click Add a New Service Request. You will be redirected to another page where you can fill out and submit details of your service/maintenance request.
When a tenant/owner submits a maintenance request, they can assign the request to the management, or their chosen vendor, or both.
Navigate to Requests & ReportsService Requests. You can change the status of the service/maintenance request by toggling the status filter on each listed request.
Yes, the tenant/owner will be notified via email alerts and push notifications through their mobile number when the request is completed or the request status is changed.
Only Tenant/Owner can make the service request.
The business/service provider, property manager, or whoever is assigned by the tenant/owner will fulfill the service request.
Only tenants and owners can submit an incident report.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsIncident Reports. You will be redirected to a new page.

Click on Add a New Incident Report. You will then be redirected to another page where you can fill out and submit the details of the incident report.
The property manager will resolve or update the incident report.
Yes, the tenant/owner will get notified via email alerts and push notifications through their mobile number when the status of the incident report is changed or resolved.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsFacility Booking. You will be redirected to a new page.

Click on Add a New Facility Booking. You will then be redirected to another page where you can fill out and submit the details of your facility booking request.

If the manager has enabled Auto Approved for the facility, the request will be automatically registered for booking. Otherwise, the manager will need to manually review and approve the booking request.
The property manager will need to approve facility bookings that are not Auto Approved.
Yes, the tenant/owner will get notified via email alerts and push notifications through his mobile number when the status of the booking request is changed or approved.
Only tenants and owners can submit a facility booking request.
Available facilities depend on the type of property and facilities offered. This may include swimming pools, gyms, barbecue areas, etc.
Only tenants and owners can submit a visitor request.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsVisitors. You will be redirected to a new page.

Click on Add a New Visitor Entry Request. You will then be redirected to another page where you can fill out and submit details of your visitor request.
Visitors check-in/out details will be updated by the security guards via the Guard-Concierge app.
Yes, the tenant/owner will get notified through his mobile number when their visitors check in as updated by the guards.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsParcels. Any parcels under your name, whether delivered or awaiting pick-up, will be displayed.
The guards, concierge, or property manager may collect the parcels and enter the details on behalf of the tenant. The recipient of the parcel will be notified via push notifications through his mobile number.
When a tenant, manager, or owner is expected to receive a parcel, they will need to make an electronic signature via the Guard-Concierge app. The status of the parcel will then be changed to Delivered on the app.
When a manager registers a new property on Ziba Property, the following are recommended:

  • Add important property-related documents via the Document Directory section.
  • Review the features via Feature Settings to enable/disable any feature.
  • Add parking lots via the Parking section.
  • Add guard accounts via the Guard/Concierge section.
  • Add or review accounts of tenants and owners via the Tenant/Owner section.
  • Add available units via the Property section.
  • Add facility booking types via the Facility Types section.
  • Add types of incident reports via the Incident Types section.
  • Add types of visitors via the Visitor Types section.
  • Review the Requests to Management section to check if there are requests assigned.
Yes, there is a section for managers to set up and customize all the settings for each property.
On the left menu, navigate to ‘Management Setup’ to check the property settings.
On this page, you can set up the following:

  • Facilities
  • Incident Types
  • Important Contacts
  • Documents
  • Visitor Types
  • Visitor Parking
  • Guards/Concierges
  • Property Units
  • Property Tenants/Owners
  • Permission
On the left menu, navigate to Management → Requests to Management to view a list of all requests submitted to the management.
Yes, the manager has the prerogative to decline any request.
On the left menu, navigate to Management → Requests to Management to view the list of all requests submitted to the management.

On each request, there is a View icon. Click View to see the details of the submitted request.

On the bottom part of the page, you will see the Accept/Decline button. Click the button to accept or decline a request.
Yes, the tenant/owner will get notified via email alerts and push notifications through their mobile number when the status of their request is changed or approved.
Feature Settings allows managers to enable/disable any feature in the app that applies to the residential property.

For example, if you turn off the Service Requests feature, it will disable the service requests module for all the tenants, owners, and managers registered in that property.
On the left menu, navigate to ManagementFeature Settings to view a list of all feature settings.
On the left menu, navigate to ManagementFeature Settings to view the list of all feature settings.

On each feature, you will see the On/Off status.

Click on the status to toggle its value, and click the Save button to enable/disable a feature.
On the left menu, navigate to ManagementTenant/Owner to view a list of all registered tenants and owners.
On the left menu, navigate to ManagementTenant/Owner.

On the top right side of the page, click the Add a New Tenant/Owner button. Enter and submit all required information.

After you submit the information, an invitation will be sent to the tenant. When the tenant accepts the invitation, they will be added to the list of tenants.
Navigate to ManagementTenant/Owner to view all the tenants registered in the property.

On each tenant profile, you will see a ‘Delete’ link where you can remove their account from the property.
Navigate to ManagementTenant/Owner to view all the registered tenants in the property.

On each tenant profile, you will see an Edit link. Click the link to update any information about the tenant.
On the left menu, navigate to ManagementTenant/Owner. You can see the following sorting selections: Sort by Tenant/Owner and Sort by Property Unit.
Select Sort by Property Unit to view a list of all tenants registered in a property unit.
On the left menu, navigate to ManagementTenant/Owner. You will see the following filter options: Sort by Tenant/Owner and Sort by Property Unit.

Click on Sort by Property Unit.

On the top right side, you will see the Add a New Property Unit button. Click the button and fill out the required details to add a new property unit.
On the left menu, navigate to ManagementVisitor Parking to view a list of all assigned parking bays.
On the left menu, navigate to ManagementVisitor Parking to view a list of all parking bays.

At the top of the list, there is an empty row with the option to provide the name, floor, and bay number of the parking bay.

Fill out these fields and click Add to assign a visitor parking bay.
On the left menu, navigate to ManagementVisitor Parking to view all parking logs.

On each log, you will see a Delete link. Click the link to remove an assigned visitor parking.
On the left menu, navigate to ManagementGuards/Concierges to load a list of all guards and concierges.
On the left menu, navigate to ManagementGuards/Concierges to load a list of all guards and concierges.

On the top right side, you will see the Add a New Guards/Concierges button. Click the button and fill out the details to add a new guard or concierge.
On the left menu, navigate to ManagementGuards/Concierges to view a list of all guards and concierges.

On each record, you will see a Delete link. Click the link to delete a guard or concierge.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoAnnouncements to view all announcements.

On the top right side, you will see an Add a New Announcement button. Click the button and fill out the required details to add a new announcement.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoAnnouncements to load a list of all announcements.

On each record, you will see an Edit link. Click the link to update any information in the announcement.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoAnnouncements to load a list of all announcements.

On each record, you will see a Delete link. Click the link to remove an announcement.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoDocument Directory to view a list of all important documents.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoDocument Directory to view a list of all documents.

On the right side, you will see two options: New Folder and Upload File.

Click New Folder to create a folder. You can add any file into a desired folder.

Click Upload file if you want to save a file in the root directory.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoDocument Directory to view a list of all documents.

On each record, you will see a Download link. Click the link to download the file.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoImportant Contacts to view the list of all important contacts.

On the top right side, you will see an Add a New Important Contact button. Click the button and fill out the necessary details to add a new important contact.
From the left menu navigate to Property InfoImportant Contacts will load a list of all Important Contacts.

On top right side There is an Add a new Important Contact button click on that and fill up details to add a new important contact.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoImportant Contacts to view the list of all important contacts.

On each record, you will see an Edit link. Click the link and update any information about the important contact.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoImportant Contacts to load a list of all important contacts.

On each record, you will see a Delete link. Click the link to delete an important contact.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoEvents to load a list of all events.

On the top right side, you will see an Add a New Event button. Click the button and fill out the required details to add an event.

On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoEvents to load a list of all events.

On each record, you will see a Delete link. Click the link to delete an event.
On the left menu, navigate to Property InfoEvents to load a list of all events.

On each record, you will see an Edit link. Click the link and update any information about the event.
When you add a new event, you can send an invitation either to specific users or all tenants/owners.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsService Request to load a list of all service requests.

On each request, you will see a Status filter. Click the filter to change the status of a request.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsIncident Report to load a list of all incident reports.

On each report, you will see a Status filter. Click the filter to update the status of a request.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsFacility Booking to load a list of all bookings.

On each booking request, you will see a Status filter. Click the filter to update the status of a request.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsVisitors to load a list of all registered visitors.

On each visitor, you will see a Status filter. Click the filter to change the status of a visitor.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsIncident Report to view a list of all incident reports.

On the top right side, you will see an Incident Types Setup link. Click the link to view all the types of incident reports.
When making an Incident Report, users need to specify the type of incident they want to report.

Incident Types are the categories of incidents that can happen in any property, such as Fire, Broken/Damage, Lost, Electrical failure, etc.

You may also specify other types of incidents.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsIncident Report to view a list of all incident reports.

On the top right side, you will see the Incident Types Setup link. Click the link to load a page of all the incident report types.

On the top right side of the page, you will see an Add a New Incident Type link. Click the link and fill out the required information to add a new incident report type.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsIncident Report Report to view a list of all incident reports.

On the top right side, you will see an Incident Types Setup link. Click the link to load a page of all the incident report types.

On each record, you will see an Edit link. Click the link to edit the incident report type.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsIncident Report to view a list of all incident reports.

On the top right side, you will see an Incident Types Setup link. Click the link to load a page of all the incident report types.

On each record, you will see a Delete link. Click the link to delete an incident report type.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsFacility Booking to view a list of all bookings.

On the top right side, you will find a Facility Types Setup link. Click the link to view all the booking types.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsFacility Booking to view a list of all bookings.

On the top right side, you will find a Facility Types Setup link. Click the link to load a page of all the booking types.

On the top right side of the page, you will find an Add a New Facility Type link. Click the link and fill out the required information to add a booking type.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsFacility Booking to load a page of all bookings.

On the top right side, you will find a Facility Types Setup link. Click the link to view all the booking types.

On each record, you will find an Edit link. Click the link to edit a facility booking type.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsFacility Booking to load a page of all bookings.

On the top right side, you will find a Facility Types Setup link. Click the link to view all the booking types.

On each record, you will find a Delete link. Click the link to delete a facility booking type.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsVisitors to load a page of all visitors.

On the top right side, you will see a filter. Click the filter and select Visitor Types Setup to view all the visitor types.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsVisitors to load a page of all visitors.

On the top right side, you will find a filter. Click on the filter and select Visitor Types Setup to view all the visitor types.

On the top right side, you will find Add Visit Type. Click on that and fill out the required information to add a visitor type.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsVisitors to load a page of all visitors.

On the top right side, you will find a filter. Click on the filter and select Visitor Types Setup to view all the visitor types.

On each record, you will find an Edit link. Click the link to edit the visitor type.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsVisitors to load a page of all visitors.

On the top right side, you will find a filter. Click on the filter and select Visitor Types Setup to view all the visitor types.

On each record, you will find a Delete link. Click the link to delete a visitor type.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & ReportsVisitors to load a page of all visitors.

On the top right side, you will find a filter. Click the filter and select View Visitors Logs to view all the visitor logs and their check-in/out details.
Ziba Property is a fast-growing community of property owners, tenants, managers, and real estate agents.

By listing your business and/or services on Ziba Property, residents in your local neighborhood will be able to view the products and services you offer.

Our app users are usually on the move. Through the Business and Service section, users can easily find businesses and services available to them when they move to a new location.

Listing your business and/or service on Ziba Property will increase your market reach to paying customers within and near your neighborhood.
If you don’t have an account yet, you need to sign up. Once you’re on the sign-up page, select the Business & Service category and register your account.

Upon signing up, you will be redirected to a page where you can add your business.

To add another business and/or service, on the left menu, navigate to Neighborhood → Business & Service to load a page of all businesses and services.

On the top right side, you will see a New Business & Service Role link. Click the link and fill out the required details to add another business or service.
Click the bottom left icon and select My Profile.

Select My Business & Service, then click ‘Edit’ to update any information about your business or service.
Follow the steps in the previous question to get to the detail page of your business.
You will see the details of your business and a Promote this Business button. Click the button and follow the next steps to have your business featured at the top of the search results.
Once you list your business on Ziba Property, tenants, owners, and property managers will see your business and/or services. They can directly request a quotation for a specific service that you offer. This is called a Service Request.
There are two ways to do this.

On the dashboard page, you will see a Service Requests widget. (To be redirected to the main dashboard page, click the Home icon.)

On the Service Requests page, you can view the list of all the service requests assigned to you.


On the left menu, navigate to Requests & Reports → Service Requests to load a list of all the service requests assigned to you.
Only tenants and owners can submit a service/maintenance request.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & Reports → Service Requests to load a page of all the service requests assigned to you.

Click on a service request to view the details of the request. On the bottom part, you will see a Write your comment section. Type your comments and click Send to communicate with the requester.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & Reports → Service Requests to load a list of all service requests assigned to you.

On each request, you will find a Status drop-down menu. Click the menu to update the status of any request.
On the left menu, navigate to Requests & Reports → Service Requests to load a list of all service requests assigned to you.

On each request, you will find a Delete link. Click the link to delete any service/maintenance request.
There are two ways to go to the Property Listings page.

After logging in, click the bottom left menu. Click the + icon to be redirected to the Add A New Property Listing page.


Navigate to NeighborhoodProperty Listings.

On the top right side of the Property Listings page, click the Add A New Property Listing button. You will be redirected to a new page where you can list your properties for sale/rent/sale-auctions.
Ziba Property allows real estate agents to choose multiple locations and specific properties that they like to work on. These are called covered locations and properties.

Based on their covered locations and properties, the agent will be notified whenever an owner lists a property for rent/sale that matches the agent’s preferences.

This feature allows real estate agents to get immediate access to available properties and send property proposals without searching or making cold calls to property owners.
You can specify multiple locations that you want to cover. The address you specify when you sign up will be your primary coverage address.

To add multiple coverage locations, go to My ProfileAs Agent tab.

Click Edit.

On the Agent Edit screen, click Continue.

You will be redirected to a page where you can specify a new address. Click Add to add a new address to your coverage location.
To specify multiple properties that you want to work on, go to My ProfileAs Agent tab.

Click Edit.

On the Agent Edit screen, click Continue.

At the bottom of the next page, you can see a Map Your Covered Properties section. Type the names of the properties that you wish to work on.

As you start typing, the app will pull up all matching property names for easier selection.
Go to My ProfileAs Agent tab. Click Edit to modify your agent profile/company information.
Go to My ProfileAs Agent tab. Click the Edit icon to upload/change your company logo.
There are two ways to do this.

On the Dashboard page, you will see a Properties By Owners widget. Click the widget to view properties posted by owners.


On the left menu, navigate to NeighborhoodProperty Listings. Select Posted By Owners from the All List filter to see all the properties posted by owners.
On the Dashboard page, you will see a Properties By Owners widget. Click on the property to view the property details.

Click the Send Proposal button. Fill out or upload the details of your proposal, commission rates, listing agreement, other contracts, etc.

If the owner is interested in employing your services, he will accept your proposal. You will be notified via email and in the app’s Proposals section.
On the Dashboard page, you will see a Property Proposals widget. Click the widget to view all the proposals you sent to owners.

In the Property Proposals section, proposals approved by property owners are marked with a Signed by Owner status.
In the Property Proposals section, proposals approved by property owners are marked with a Signed by Owner status.

Click on View proposal. You will see a Post Owner Listing button. Click the button to list the property on your account.
On the Dashboard page, you will see an Inquiries widget. Click the widget to view all inquiries sent by other users.